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A| B| C| I| L| P| R| S| U| V|


access scope
An access scope defines the type of user profile data the client is requesting. The first time a user logs in, they see a list of the items in the access scope and must agree to provide the data to the client in order to proceed.
access token
An access token is granted by the authorization server when a user logs in to a site. An access token is specific to a client, a user, and an access scope. Access tokens have a maximum size of 2048 bytes. A client must use an access token to retrieve customer profile data. See Access Tokens for more details.
allowed Javascript origins
A JavaScript origin is the combination of protocol, domain, and port where a JavaScript call originates. By default, web browsers block JavaScript calls from one origin that try to call script on another origin. The Login with Amazon SDK for JavaScript allows calls from other origins if they are specified as part of an application. When registering a website for Login with Amazon, enter the scheme, domain, and optionally the port, of the webpage which includes the Login with Amazon SDK for JavaScript (for example, or https://localhost:8080).
allowed return URL
A return URL is an address on a website that uses Login with Amazon. The authorization service redirects users to this address when they complete login. See also redirect URL.
API key
This is an identifier that Login with Amazon SDKs use to identify a mobile app to the authorization service. API keys are generated when you register a mobile app.
An application is the registration that contains information the authorization service needs to verify a client before that client can access customer profile. It also contains basic information about your business that is displayed to users when they first login to one of your apps and are asked to share information with you.
appstore ID
An AppStore ID uniquely identifies a mobile app in the Amazon AppStore.
authorization code
An authorization code is a value used by the Authorization Code grant to allow a website to request an access token. See Authorization Code for more details.
authorization code grant
An Authorization Code grant is an authorization grant that uses server-based processing to request an access token. Using the authorization code grant, the server receives an authorization code as a query parameter after the user logs in. The server exchanges the authorization code, client identifier, and client secret for an access token and a refresh token.
authorization grant
An authorization grant is the process where the authorization service verifies a client website's request for access to a customer profile. An authorization grant requires a client identifier and an access scope, and may require a client secret. If the process succeeds, the website is granted an access token. There are two types of authorization grants, an implicit grant and an authorization grant.
authorization service
The Login with Amazon authorization service is the collection of endpoints provided by Amazon that allows a client to login a user through Authorization Code grant. The authorization service presents the login screen and the permissions screen to users. It provides access tokens, refresh token, and customer profile data to Login with Amazon clients.


bundle identifier
The bundle identifier is a unique identifier for an iOS app. They normally take the form of com.companyname.appname.


A client is a website or mobile app that uses Login with Amazon.
client identifier
The client identifier is a value assigned to the client when they register with Login with Amazon. It has a maximum size of 100 bytes. The client identifier is used in conjunction with the client secret to verify the identity of the client when they request an authorization grant from the authorization service. The client identifier is not secret.
client secret
The client secret, like the client identifier, is a value assigned to the client when they register with Login with Amazon. It has a maximum size of 64 bytes. The client secret is used in conjunction with the client identifier to verify the identity of the client when they request an authorization grant from the authorization service. The client secret must be kept confidential.
code-based linking (CBL)
Code-based linking is an authorization method in which your device displays an alphanumeric user code, and a URL, to a user who wants to Login with Amazon. The user then navigates to the URL from another device (such as a mobile phone or laptop), signs into their Amazon account if they aren’t already signed in, and enters the user code. Once they have finished, your device will recognize that they are authenticated, and will receive an access token which can be used to obtain the user’s customer profile data.
consent screen
When a user logs into a website or mobile app for the first time, they are presented with a consent screen if the app requests profile data. The consent screen shows the name, logo image file, and privacy notice URL associated with app, along with the access scope the app is requesting.
customer profile
A customer profile contains information about the Login with Amazon customer, including their name, email address, postal code, and a unique identifier. A website must obtain an access token before they can obtain a customer profile. The kind of profile data returned is determined by the access scope. See Customer Profile for more details.


implicit grant
An Implicit Grant is an authorization grant that can be completed using only the user's web browser. Using the implicit grant, the browser receives an access token as a URI fragment. An implicit grant requires a client identifier and an access scope. The implicit grant does not return a refresh token.


login screen
The login screen is an HTML page presented to users when they try to login to a website or mobile app using Login with Amazon. Users can enter an existing Amazon account or create a new one from this page.
logo image file
A PNG file provided by the client when setting up an application. This is displayed on the permissions screen if the user has not granted access to the client website. The logo represents the client website.


package name
A package name is a unique identifier for an Android app. They normally take the form of com.companyname.appname.
privacy notice URL
A URL provided by the client when setting up an application. This is displayed on the consent screen if the user has not granted access to the client website. The URL should direct users to the privacy policy for the client website.


redirect URL
A URL provided by the client to the authorization service. After the user logs in, the service will redirect the user's browser to this addresss. See also allowed return URL.
refresh token
A refresh token is granted by the authorization service when the client uses the authorization grant. A client can use a refresh token to request a new access token when the current access token expires. Refresh tokens have a maximum size of 2048 bytes. See Refresh Tokens for more details.


A signature is a hash value embedded in a mobile app that verifies the identity of the app. Signatures may be MD5 or SHA-256 values, and normally take the following form. MD5: 01:23:45:67:89:ab:cd:ef:01:23:45:67:89:ab:cd:ef. SHA-256: 01:23:45:67:89:ab:cd:ef:01:23:45:67:89:ab:cd:ef:01:23:45:67:89:ab:cd:ef:01:23:45:67:89:ab:cd:ef.


A user is a person who visits a client website and tries to log in using Login with Amazon.


A version is a particular type of Login with Amazon client registered to an application. A Login with Amazon application can have multiple versions, each supporting either Android, iOS, or web.