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Use the Login with Amazon SDK for iOS APIs (v2.1.2 and below)

Older SDKs are no longer available for download, but we have preserved the instructions here for the convenience of our developers who are still using them.


The Login with Amazon SDK for iOS (version 2.1.2 and below) supports apps running on iOS 7.0 and later using ARMv7, ARMv7s, ARM64, i386, and x86_64. The SDK is intended to be used with the Xcode development environment.

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Handle the Login Button and Get User Profile Data

This section explains how to call the authorizeUserForScopes:delegate: and getProfile: APIs to login a user and retrieve their profile data. This includes creating an onLoginButtonClicked: listener for your Login with Amazon button.

  1. Import the Login with Amazon API to your source file. To import the Login with Amazon API, add the following #import statements to your source file:

    #import <LoginWithAmazon/LoginWithAmazon.h>
  2. Create the AMZNAuthorizeUserDelegate class to implement AIAuthenticationDelegate.

    When authorizeUserForScopes:delegate: completes, it will call the requestDidSucceed: or requestDidFail: method on an object that implements the AIAuthenticationDelegate protocol.

    @interface AMZNAuthorizeUserDelegate : NSObject<AIAuthenticationDelegate>

    For more information, see Working with Protocols on

  3. Call authorizeUserForScopes:delegate: in onLoginButtonClicked.

    If you followed the steps in Add a Login with Amazon Button to Your App, you should have an onLoginButtonClicked: method linked to a Login with Amazon button. In that method, call authorizeUserForScopes:delegate: to prompt the user to login and authorize your application.

    This method will enable the user to sign in and consent to the requested information in one of the following ways:

    1. Switches to web view in a secure context (if the Amazon Shopping app is installed to the device)
    2. Switches to Safari View Controller (on iOS 9 and later)
    3. Switches to the system browser (on iOS 8 and earlier)

    The secure context for the first option is available when the Amazon Shopping app is installed to the device. If the user is already signed in to the Amazon Shopping app, the sign in page is skipped, leading to a Single Sign-On (SSO) experience.

    When your application is authorized, it is authorized for one or more data sets known as scopes. The first parameter is an array of scopes that encompass the user data you are requesting from Login with Amazon. The first time a user logs in to your app, they will be presented with a list of the data you are requesting and asked for approval. Login with Amazon currently supports three scopes: profile, which contains the user's name, email address, and Amazon account id; profile:user_id, which contains only the Amazon account id; and postal_code, which contains the user's zip/postal code.

    The second parameter to authorizeUserForScopes:delegate: is an object that implements the AIAuthenticationDelegate protocol, in this case an instance of the AMZNAuthorizeUserDelegate class.

    - (IBAction)onLogInButtonClicked:(id)sender {
        // Make authorize call to SDK to get secure access token for the user.
        // While making the first call you can specify the minimum basic
        // scopes needed.
        // Requesting both scopes for the current user.
        NSArray *requestScopes =
            [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"profile", @"postal_code", nil];
        AMZNAuthorizeUserDelegate* delegate =
            [[AMZNAuthorizeUserDelegate alloc] initWithParentController:self];
        [AIMobileLib authorizeUserForScopes:requestScopes delegate:delegate];

    Add your delegate implementation header to the class calling authorizeUserForScopes:. For example:

    #import "AMZNAuthorizeUserDelegate.h"
  4. Create an AMZNGetProfileDelegate.

    AMZNGetProfileDelegate is our name for a class that implements the AIAuthenticationDelegate protocol, and will process the result of the getProfile: call. Like authorizeUserForScopes:delegate:, getProfile: supports the requestDidSucceed: and requestDidFail: protocol methods. requestDidSucceed: receives an APIResult object with profile data in the result property. requestDidFail: receives an AIError object with information on the error in the error property.

    To create a delegate class from a normal class declaration, import AIAuthenticationDelegate.h and add the protocol to the declaration in your class header file:

    #import <LoginWithAmazon/LoginWithAmazon.h>
    @interface AMZNGetProfileDelegate : NSObject<AIAuthenticationDelegate>
  5. Implement requestDidSucceed: for your AMZNAuthorizeUserDelegate.

    In requestDidSucceed:, call getProfile: to retrieve the customer profile . getProfile:, like authorizeUserForScopes:delegate:, uses the AIAuthenticationDelegate protocol.

    - (void)requestDidSucceed:(APIResult *)apiResult {
        // Your code after the user authorizes application for
        // requested scopes.
        // Load new view controller with user identifying information
        // as the user is now successfully logged in.
        AMZNGetProfileDelegate* delegate =
            [[[AMZNGetProfileDelegate alloc]
              initWithParentController:parentViewController] autorelease];
        [AIMobileLib getProfile:delegate];

    Add your delegate implementation header to the class calling getProfile:. For example:

    #import "AMZNGetProfileDelegate.h"
  6. Implement requestDidSucceed: for your AMZNGetProfileDelegate.

    requestDidSucceed: has two main tasks; retrieve the profile data from the APIResult, and pass the data to the UI.

    To retrieve the profile data from the APIResult, access the result property. For a getProfile: response, that property will contain a dictionary of property values for the user profile properties. The profile properties are name, email, and user_id for the profile scope and postal_code for the postal_code scope.

    - (void)requestDidSucceed:(APIResult *)apiResult {
        // Get profile request succeeded. Unpack the profile information
        // and pass it to the parent view controller
        NSString* name = [(NSDictionary*)apiResult.result
        NSString* email = [(NSDictionary*)apiResult.result
        NSString* user_id = [(NSDictionary*)apiResult.result
        NSString* postal_code = [(NSDictionary*)apiResult.result
        // Pass data to view controller
  7. Implement requestDidFail: for your AMZNGetProfileDelegate.requestDidFail: includes an APIError object containing details about the error. showLogInPage is a hypothetical method that would reset the main view controller to show the Login with Amazon button.

    - (void)requestDidFail:(APIError *)errorResponse {
        // Get Profile request failed for profile scope.
        // If error code = kAIApplicationNotAuthorized,
        // allow user to log in again.
        if(errorResponse.error.code == kAIApplicationNotAuthorized) {
            // Show authorize user button.
            [parentViewController showLogInPage];
        else {
            // Handle other errors
            [[[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"" message:[NSString
              stringWithFormat:@"Error occured with message: %@",
              errorResponse.error.message] delegate:nil
              cancelButtonTitle:@"OK"otherButtonTitles:nil] autorelease]
  8. Implement requestDidFail: for your AMZNAuthorizeUserDelegate.

    - (void)requestDidFail:(APIError *)errorResponse {
        NSString *message = errorResponse.error.message;
        // Your code when the authorization fails.
        [[[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"" message:[NSString
          stringWithFormat:@"User authorization failed with message: %@",
          errorResponse.error.message] delegate:nil
          cancelButtonTitle:@"OK"otherButtonTitles:nil] autorelease] show];
  9. Implement application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation: in the class in your project that handles the UIApplicationDelegate protocol (by default this will be the AppDelegate class in your project). When the app presents the Amazon login page using the Safari browser, and the user completes login, the browser will redirect to the app using the URL Scheme the app registered earlier. That redirect is passed to application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:, which returns YES if the URL was successfully handled. handleOpenURL:sourceApplication: is an SDK library function that will handle Login with Amazon redirect URL for you. If handleOpenURL:sourceApplication: returns YES, then the URL was handled.

    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
      openURL:(NSURL *)url
      sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication
        // Pass on the url to the SDK to parse authorization code from the url.
        BOOL isValidRedirectSignInURL =
          [AIMobileLib handleOpenURL:url sourceApplication:sourceApplication];
            return NO;
        // App may also want to handle url
        return YES;

Check for User Login at Startup

If a user logs into your app, closes the app, and restarts the app later, the app is still authorized to retrieve data. The user is not logged out automatically. At startup, you can show the user as logged in if your app is still authorized. This section explains how to use getAccessTokenForScopes:withOverrideParams:delegate: to see if the app is still authorized.

  1. Create an AMZNGetAccessTokenDelegate class.

    AMZNGetAccessTokenDelegate implements the AIAuthenticationDelegate protocol, and will process the result of the getAccessTokenForScopes:withOverrideParams:delegate: call. AIAuthenticationDelegate contains two methods, requestDidSucceed: and requestDidFail:. requestDidSucceed: receives an APIResult object with token data, while requestDidFail: receives an APIError object with information on the error.

    #import <LoginWithAmazon/LoginWithAmazon.h>
    @interface AMZNGetAccessTokenDelegate : NSObject<AIAuthenticationDelegate>

    Add your delegate implementation header to the class calling getAccessTokenForScopes:withOverrideParams:delegate:. For example:

    #import "AMZNGetAccessTokenDelegate.h"
  2. On app startup, call getAccessTokenForScopes:withOverrideParams:delegate: to see if the application is still authorized.

    getAccessTokenForScopes:withOverrideParams:delegate: retrieves the raw access token that Login with Amazon uses to access a customer profile. If the method succeeds, the app is still authorized and a call to getProfile: should succeed.

    getAccessTokenForScopes:withOverrideParams:delegate: uses the AIAuthenticationDelegate protocol in the same manner as authorizeUserForScopes:delegate:. Pass the object implementing the protocol as the delegate parameter.

    - (void)checkIsUserSignedIn {
        AMZNGetAccessTokenDelegate* delegate =
          [[[AMZNGetAccessTokenDelegate alloc]
          initWithParentController:self] autorelease];
        NSArray *requestScopes =
            [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"profile", @"postal_code", nil];
        [AIMobileLib getAccessTokenForScopes:requestScopes
            withOverrideParams:nil delegate:delegate];
  3. Implement requestDidSucceed: on your AMZNGetAccessTokenDelegate.

    requestDidSucceed: has one task: to call getProfile:. This example calls getProfile: using the same listener you declared in the previous section (see steps 6-8).

    #import "AMZNGetProfileDelegate.h"
    #import <LoginWithAmazon/LoginWithAmazon.h>
    - (void)requestDidSucceed:(APIResult *)apiResult {
        // Your code to use access token goes here.
        // Since the application has authorization for our scopes, we can
        // get the user profile.
        AMZNGetProfileDelegate* delegate = [[[AMZNGetProfileDelegate alloc]
          initWithParentController:parentViewController] autorelease];
        [AIMobileLib getProfile:delegate];
  4. Implement requestDidFail: on your AMZNGetAccessTokenDelegate.requestDidFail: includes an APIError object containing details about the error. If you recieve an error, you can reset the main view controller to show the Login with Amazon button.

    - (void)requestDidFail:(APIError *)errorResponse {
        // Your code to handle failed retrieval of access token.
        // If error code = kAIApplicationNotAuthorized, allow user
        // to log in again.
        if(errorResponse.error.code == kAIApplicationNotAuthorized) {
            // Show Login with Amazon button.
        else {
            // Handle other errors
            [[[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"" message:[NSString
              stringWithFormat:@"Error occurred with message: %@",
              errorResponse.error.message] delegate:nil
              cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil]
              autorelease] show];

Clear Authorization State and Log Out Users

The clearAuthorizationState: method will clear the user's authorization data from the AIMobileLib local data store. A user will have to log in again in order for the app to retrieve profile data. Use this method to log out a user, or to troubleshoot login problems in the app.

  1. Declare an AMZNLogoutDelegate. This is a class that implements the AIAuthenticationDelegate protocol. For our purposes, we can inherit the class from NSObject:

    #import <LoginWithAmazon/LoginWithAmazon.h>
    @interface AMZNLogoutDelegate : NSObject<AIAuthenticationDelegate>
    Add your delegate implementation header to the class calling `clearAuthorizationState:`. For example:
    <pre>#import "AMZNLogoutDelegate.h"
  2. Call clearAuthorizationState:.

    After a user has successfully logged in, you may provide a logout mechanism so they can clear their authorization data. Your mechanism might be a hyperlink, or a menu item, but for this scenario the example will create a logoutButtonClicked method for a logout button.

    - (IBAction)logoutButtonClicked:(id)sender {
        AMZNLogoutDelegate* delegate = [[[AMZNLogoutDelegate alloc]
          initWithParentController:self] autorelease];
        [AIMobileLib clearAuthorizationState:delegate];

    The only parameter to clearAuthorizationState is an AIAuthenticationDelegate that implements requestDidSucceed: and requestDidFail:.

  3. Implement requestDidSucceed:. This method will be called when the user's information is cleared. You should then show them as logged out.

    - (void)requestDidSucceed:(APIResult *)apiResult {
        // Your additional logic after the user authorization state is cleared.
        [[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"" message:@"User Logged out."
            delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK"otherButtonTitles:nil] show];
  4. Implement requestDidFail:. This method will be called if for some reason the user's information cannot be cleared from the cache. In that case, you should not show them as logged out.

    - (void)requestDidFail:(APIError *)errorResponse {
        // Your additional logic after the SDK failed to clear
        // the authorization state.
        [[[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"" message:[NSString
          stringWithFormat:@"User Logout failed with message: %@",
          errorResponse.error.message] delegate:nil
          cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil]
          autorelease] show];

    Test your Integration

Launch your app in an iOS device or simulator and confirm you can log in with your credentials.