
Send Global Recommendations

When your app starts, Fire App Builder reads the list of global recommendations from your media feed and sends them to the "Recommended By Your Apps" row on the Fire TV home screen. This article provides step-by-step instruction for setting up global recommendations.

In summary, you will add a globalRecommendations element to your feed. You will then target this globalRecommendations element with a new recipe. You then add a section in your Navigator.json file that references the recipe and a data loader.

For more general information about recommendations, see Recommendations in Fire App Builder.

Configure Global Recommendations

  1. In your feed, add a single globalRecommendations property for the entire feed that points to an array of content ID strings. The array of content ID strings should relate to the media you want to recommend.

    For example, if your feed is in JSON, the globalRecommendations property might look like this:

    "items": [
        "id": "162270",
        "title": "Thai Recipes - Thai Chicken Noodles Recipe",
        "description": "Thai Recipes - Thai Chicken Noodles Recipe",
        "duration": "355",
        "thumbURL": "http:\/\/l2.cdn01.net\/\_thumbs\/0000162\/0162270\/0162270__015f" type="jpg",
        "imgURL": "http:\/\/l2.cdn01.net\/\_thumbs\/0000162\/0162270\/0162270__015f" type="jpg",
        "videoURL": "http:\/\/media.cdn01.net\/802E1F\/process\/encoded\/video_1880k\/0000162\/0162270\/D8HFLX0AC.mp4?source=firetv&channel_id=6341",
        "categories": [
          "International Cuisine"
        "channel_id": "6341",
        "recommendations": [
        "globalRecommendations": [

    If your feed is XML, it might look like this:

        <title>Sample Title</title>
        <pubDate>Wed, 26 Oct 2016 20:34:22 PDT</pubDate>
        <author>Sample Author name</author>

    The global recommendations property can appear anywhere in your feed, and it can use a name other than globalRecommendations. But the content should be an array of strings. In the following steps, you'll write a query in a recipe to target this element.

    Note that if you have an MRSS feed that conforms to iTunes specifications, adding custom elements may require more coding, since you'll need to define custom namespaces to use in your XML. (Instructions on adding custom namespaces in XML is beyond the scope of this documentation.)

  2. In your Navigator.json file, add a recommendationRecipes object after the globalRecipes object like this:

    "globalRecipes": [
         "categories": {
           "dataLoader": "recipes/LightCastDataLoaderRecipe1.json",
           "dynamicParser": "recipes/LightCastCategoriesRecipe.json"
         "contents": {
           "dataLoader": "recipes/LightCastDataLoaderRecipe1.json",
           "dynamicParser": "recipes/LightCastContentsRecipe.json"
     "recommendationRecipes": [
         "contents": {
           "dataLoader": "recipes/LightCastDataLoaderRecipe1.json",
           "dynamicParser": "recipes/LightCastGlobalRecParserRecipe.json"

    (Note that in code samples, ellipses ... indicate that this is an excerpt and the rest of the code is truncated. Do not copy ellipses into your code.)

    The file referenced in the dynamicParser property specifies the recipe used to identify and process global recommendations in your feed.

  3. In your recommendationRecipes object, replace the value for the dataLoader with a reference to the same data loader file you used within your globalRecipes object. For example, recipes/AcmeDataLoaderRecipe1.json. (See Load Your Media Feed for more details.)
  4. In your recommendationRecipes object, replace the value for dynamicParser with a reference to a new recipe file that has a custom name. For example, recipes/AcmeGlobalRecParserRecipe.json. Then create this file in your app's assets > recipes folder.
  5. (Optional) If you want to limit the number of global recommendations your app sends, you can use the numberOfGlobalRecommendations property (inside config) in Navigator.json to specify a limit, like this:

    "config": {
      "showRelatedContent": true,
      "useCategoryAsDefaultRelatedContent": true,
      "searchAlgo": "basic",
      "numberOfGlobalRecommendations": 3,
      "numberOfRelatedRecommendations": 3

    This number limits the total number of global recommendations your app can send. After this number of recommendations is reached, your app won't send any more global recommendations until the refresh period (every six hours, or every time your app is restarted).

    Note that Fire TV must receive at least 5 recommendations from all apps combined in order to display the Recommended By Your Apps row to users. If you don't specify the number of global recommendations here, 5 is used as the default.

  6. Open the global recommendations parser recipe (for example, AcmeGlobalRecParserRecipe.json) that you created in step 5 and insert the following recipe:

    "cooker": "DynamicParser",
    "format": "json",
    "model": "java.lang.String",
    "modelType": "array",
    "query": "$.globalRecommendations[*]",
    "matchList": [

    Here are some details about this recipe:

    • The format this recipe expects is json. (If your feed format is XML, change the value for format to from json to xml.)
    • The model this recipe is expecting is a String.
    • With modelType set to array, Fire App Builder expects this recipe to return an array of strings.
    • After the query returns a list of strings, the matchList parameter will directly match the strings by using StringKey. Fire App Builder will map these strings to its model.

    (These settings aren't important as long as your global recommendations query matches an array of strings in JSON format. If this isn't the case, you can adjust the recipe settings accordingly. See Recipe Configuration Overview for details.)

  7. Customize the query value to target the global recommendations property in your feed.

    If you're using JSON, your query will use Jayway JsonPath syntax. If your feed is XML, you'll use XPath expressions.

    For instructions on creating these queries, see the query Parameter section in the Set Up the Categories Recipe topic.

    In the sample query shown above, the $.globalRecommendations[*] query starts in the root directory, finds the globalRecommendations array and selects everything inside of the array. (If you were using XML with the sample XML feed above, your query would be //globalrecommendations/guid/text().) If you want the query to look recursively in every folder for the globalRecommendations object, use $..globalRecommendations[*].

  8. To ensure that your query correctly targets the globalRecommendations element, test the query in online evaluators:

    The result from the query should be a list of strings containing IDs for the content. Fire App Builder will use these content IDs when it builds the recommendation.

    If your items contain Amazon extras (such as maturity rating), these extras will be sent with the recommendations.

    Global recommendations are sent once during app startup, and also every time the feed is updated when the app is open. The feed's update interval is tied to the value in the DataLoadManagerConfig.json file (in your app's assets > configurations folder). The property in that file is data_updater.duration": 14400 (4 hours). There's also alarm set to wake up the device every 12 hours to refresh the recommendations.

Test Your Global Recommendations

To test your recommendations, see the general instructions in Fire TV documentation: Test Your Recommendations.

Keep in mind that the Recommended By Your Apps row on Fire TV is outside of the control of the Fire App Builder app. However, you can see that your app is building and sending recommendations by looking in the Android Studio logs.

After starting your app, in Android Studio click Android Monitor at the bottom of the screen and then filter on the word recommendation. You'll see logs indicating that global recommendations have been built and sent. For example:

03-24 18:39:09.365 18717-18757/com.amazon.android.calypso D/RecommendationTable: record updated in database: RecommendationRecord{mContentId='99570', mRecommendationId=4, mType='Global'}
03-24 18:39:09.368 18717-18757/com.amazon.android.calypso D/RecommendationSender: Built recommendation - Consuming Passions Chips Recipe | Belgian Style

mType='Global' indicates that the recommendation sent is a global recommendation.

Note that in your tests, your app will not send more than the limit you set in Navigator.json file. For example, suppose you have the following in Navigator.json:

"numberOfGlobalRecommendations": 3

But your list of globalRecommendations contains 5 content IDs. In this case, only 3 recommendations will be sent.

Removing Stale Recommendations

If a user clicks a video on the Recommended By Your App row and completely watches the video (not just partially), Fire App Builder marks that video as watched and deletes the recommendation for that item. This history is saved in Fire App Builder's database.

However, when six hours pass and Fire App Builder refreshes, these same global recommendations will again be sent, even if users have already watched the content. To implement more advanced logic, you will need to manage the global recommendations in your feed and regularly adjust them.

Next Steps

Go to the next topic, Send Related Recommendations. Related recommendations send recommendations that are specific to the media that user was watching.

Last updated: Apr 06, 2017