User Account and Data Deletion
To provide users with a way to discover how they can delete their user account and user data for an app, Amazon Appstore will display account and data deletion information on app detail pages. Users can click a link on the app detail page and follow the instructions on the developer-provided web page to request deletion of their user account or user data for that app. User account and data deletion information will be available on the Amazon Appstore on Fire tablets, Fire TV devices, mobile Android devices, and
All developers that have apps that collect user data must submit user account and user data deletion information for those apps. If your app allows user account creation, you must provide a link to the web page where users can request deletion of their account. If you allow users to delete their data and keep their account, you must provide a link to the web page where users can request deletion of their data. To provide this information to the Appstore, answer a few questions in the Developer Console. Providing this information helps keep privacy a priority, and can help increase user trust in your app.
- Important dates
- Prepare your information
- Submit user account and data deletion information
- User account and data deletion FAQ
Important dates
Review the following dates for user account and data deletion information.
- Starting August 2024
- For each app in the Developer Console, the Target Your App screen has a User data privacy section. If you select Yes to the question Does your app collect user data or transfer user data to third parties?, the user account and user data deletion questions become available.
- Your responses to the account and data deletion questions won’t impact app submission approvals during this time. However, your app's approval might be impacted if there are other policy violations.
- Starting November 2024
- An Account or data deletion section appears in the User Data Privacy section on the app detail page for all apps in the Amazon Appstore, visible to all users. This section displays the account and data deletion information and the links you shared when submitting the information.
- Apps that don’t have account and data deletion questions submitted display a message indicating that the developer has not shared information about account and data deletion.
- Starting June 2025
- All new apps and app updates are required to have account and data deletion questions completed. You can no longer publish a new app or update an existing app if the account or data deletion questions are incomplete, or have unaddressed issues.
Prepare your information
To prepare your app listing for the user account and data deletion changes, Amazon Appstore recommends you do the following:
- Understand the requirements to complete the account and data deletion questions in the Developer Console, and make sure it's in compliance with the User Data Privacy Policy.
- If you respond Yes to the account or data deletion questions, make sure you provide the link to the web page where a user can delete their account or data.
Submit user account and data deletion information
If you're submitting a new app or submitting a new version of a published app, you can access the account and data deletion questions during the app submission flow. For details on the app submission process, see Submitting Apps to the Amazon Appstore. For details on updating a published app, see Update a Published App.
In the Developer Console on the Target Your App screen in the app submission workflow, there is a User data privacy section. In this section, the account and data deletion questions appear only if you select Yes to Does your app collect user data or transfer user data to third parties?. If you don't collect or transfer user data and you select No to this question, you aren't required to complete the user account and data deletion information.
If you respond Yes to the account or data deletion questions, then you must provide a corresponding link to the web page where a user can delete their account or data.
If you are updating an existing app and have already completed the account and data deletion questions, the console will retain your previously submitted responses.

User account and data deletion FAQ
The following are frequently asked questions (FAQ) about user account and data deletion.
Account and data deletion
- Q: What is account deletion?
- Account deletion is a process of permanently deleting a user account and related data. This should not be confused with temporary deactivation of a user account. You must make it clear to customers about what data is retained and the purpose of retention, either during the deletion request process or in your privacy policy.
- Q: What is data deletion?
- Data deletion is the process of permanently deleting user data generated by the user when using your app, without deletion of the user's account. If you provide a way for users to request their data to be deleted, you must make it clear to customers about what data is retained and the purpose of retention, either during the deletion request process of in your privacy policy.
- Q: What are some examples of account creation?
- Some examples of account creation and authentication methods are username and password, username and other authentication, and OAuth. If you use these or other methods, you must make account deletion available to users within and outside the app. Username could be a combination of different user data such as email address, user ID, or phone number. Authentication methods can include multifactor authentication, one-time password, biometrics, single sign-on, and others.
- Q: I have submitted similar data for other app stores. Can I re-use the data for the Amazon Appstore?
- Account and data deletion information required by Amazon might differ from the data you provided to other app stores. It's your responsibility to provide complete and accurate information when submitting data to Amazon.
- Q: How often should I update account and data deletion information?
- The information displayed to customers must always be accurate. It's your responsibility to make sure that your user account and user data deletion information stays up-to-date.
- Q: Do I have to submit information that's specific to each marketplace in which my app is distributed?
- The account and data deletion questions don't require marketplace specific information. Provide details about account and data deletion practices common in one or more marketplaces.
- Q: How does Amazon ensure accuracy of the information provided?
- As the developer, you are responsible for ensuring the information you provide is accurate and up to date.
- Q: Can I save my responses to the account and data deletion questions?
- Yes, you can save your responses and revisit the account deletion questions in the Developer Console. The submit button becomes active after you answer all mandatory questions.
- Q: Why do I need to provide a web link if I already have an account deletion option within the app?
- Amazon wants to ensure that all users can control their data, including users who might have already uninstalled your app or are not able to access the in-app experience for any reason. Providing a web link helps users to request account deletion directly from the app detail page, without a dependency on the in-app feature. Your web resource should allow users to request that their data be deleted without sending them back to the app and requiring them to re-download it to submit their request.
Submission and review
- Q: Is it mandatory to submit responses to the user account and data deletion questions to complete app submission?
- Account and data deletion questions are currently optional. At this time, if you don't answer them, it won't impact app submission approvals or any other metadata updates. However, starting November 2024, apps that don't have account and data deletion questions submitted will display a message indicating that the developer has not shared information about account and data deletion.
- Q: Can I request additional time to comply with the new requirements?
- Amazon Appstore doesn’t have plans to extend the compliance period. For current timelines, see Important dates.
- Q: How long does it take for the submitted account deletion and data information to be available in the app detail page on the Amazon Appstore?
- After you submit a new app or update an existing app, it can take five to seven days to process your app for publishing on Amazon Appstore. Certain apps might be subject to additional reviews, which might result in a longer review period.
- Q: What should I do if I am not seeing the account deletion section published in the app detail page?
- If by November 2024 you don't see the account deletion section on your app's detail page, make sure you completed and submitted the account deletion questions in the Developer Console. If you've verified that you submitted your responses and you still don't see the information on your app's detail page, contact Amazon developer support.
Last updated: Nov 05, 2024