Developer Console

CSV File for IAP Batch Submission

You can submit a batch of in-app items using a CSV file to upload the new and updated IAP items. The IAP Batch Submission feature provides the ability to export the existing IAP items into a CSV file. Edit the file to update existing entries and add new entries, then import and submit the new and updated IAP items to the Appstore.

The CSV file supports Consumable and Entitlement IAPs (but does not support Subscriptions). To make it easier to create IAPs, the icon images for IAP are now optional. The CSV file does not support upload of icon images.

To create or update single IAPs (and Subscription IAPs), use the Developer Console UI, as described in Submit Single In-App Items.


The IAP Batch Submission feature provides the following capabilities:

  • Export existing in-app items as a CSV file. Use this file as a starting point to update existing IAP items or to create new IAP items.

  • Import a CSV file to create new items and update existing items.

  • Two-step error handling:
    • The system validates the CSV file for any formatting errors (such as missing price, or incorrect field formats).
    • The system identifies any post-submission errors, such as a duplicate Product ID.
  • If entries in the CSV file fail the validation check or the post-submission checks, the system creates a file with a specific error message for each failed entry.

  • The Developer Portal displays the number of number of IAP items added, the number of items updated, and the number of errors.

  • The CSV file can contain a mix of consumable items and entitlement items, new items and updated existing items.

CSV file format

The CSV file is a text file with a .csv file extension. The CSV file must use UTF-8 encoding, to support localized strings.

The CSV file contains one header row (which displays the column titles). Each subsequent row in the file contains the information for one in-app item. The Product ID field defines a unique identifier for each item.

The following table describes the fields for each entry (row) in the file:

Field Type Description
Product ID String Enter a unique Product ID for the IAP item. On the Amazon Developer Portal, this field is also known as the SKU. The Product ID value must be unique across all of your apps. It contains up to 150-characters that can include the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, underscores, periods, and dashes. The Product ID is case-sensitive. If you do not provide a Product ID value, the system ignores this row of the file.
Locale; Title; Description; String Specify the locale, title and description for the item. Enter a set of three values, separated by semi-colons, in the following order: Locale; Title; Description;. You can provide multiple sets of values (for different locales). However, you must provide English (en_US) text for each item even if your app is only available in countries that don't use en_US encoding.
See the Supported Languages table below for a list of the language abbreviations.

For any locale where you do not provide translated text, the system displays the English text.
Auto Fill Prices TRUE or FALSE If you set Auto Fill Prices to TRUE, enter only one price value in the Price field (to set the Base Price).
If you set Auto Fill Prices to FALSE, you must enter a price for each marketplace.
Price PriceMicro Enter 0 if you are not charging for this item.
If you set Auto Fill Prices to TRUE, provide a currency abbreviation and a price for the item.
Otherwise, enter a price for each market using a pair of values separated by semi-colon. Use the following format for each value pair: Country/Region Abbreviation; Price; (no semi-colon is required after the last pair).
Set the price to a valid amount for each currency. See IAP price ranges for each currency.
See below for example entries, and for the mapping of countries/regions to currencies. Enter the price in millionths of the currency base unit, without decimals. For example, a unit price of 1 USD should be entered as US; 1000000; on the CSV file. If you do not provide a price for each market, the system marks the row as having an error.
IAP Type Consumable or Entitlement Enter the IAP type. If this field is blank or invalid, the system marks the row as having an error. Note that the value is case sensitive, and Subscription is not supported.

The following example shows a price entry, when Auto Fill Prices is set to FALSE:

US;44000000;DE;41640000;IN;2933590000;JP;5015000000;IT;41640000;FR;41640000;ES;41640000;BR;137250000; AU;57990000;GB;36060000;CA;59020000

The following example shows a price entry, when Auto Fill Prices is set to TRUE:

USD; 3840000

Note: When Auto Fill Prices is set to TRUE, enter a currency abbreviation, not a country/region abbreviation.

Country/Region and Currency Abbreviations

The following table displays the country/region abbreviation, currency abbreviation, and currency for each of the marketplaces:

Currency Market
AU AUD Australian Dollars
BR BRL Brazilian Reals
CA CAN Canadian Dollars
DE EUR Euros
ES EUR Euros
FR EUR Euros
GB GBP Pounds Sterling
IN INR Indian Rupees
IT EUR Euros
JP JPY Japanese Yen
MX MXN Mexican Peso
US USD Dollars

Supported Languages

The following table displays the supported languages for the title and description fields:

Abbreviation Language
zh_CN Chinese (Pingyin not supported. See Warning below)
de_DE German
en_AU English (Australia)
en_GB English (UK)
en_IN English (India)
en_US English (US)
es_ES Spanish
es_MX Spanish (Mexico)
fr_FR French
it_IT Italian
ja_JP Japanese
pt_BR Brazilan Portuguese

Error Messages

When you upload a CSV file, the system validates each entry in the file. If the file contains errors, the system copies the input file and adds a message in the status column for each row that has an error. You can review the messages as a guide for fixing any problems.

Example CSV File

The CSV template file contains example entries. For instructions on downloading the file, see Create and Submit a Batch of IAPs.

Notes about row format:

  1. Use a comma to separate each field in the row.
  2. Use a semi-colon to separate the values within a field. Spaces are ignored.

Caution: Use a Unicode text editor (to support the UTF-8 character set) for editing your CSV files. A tool such as Microsoft Excel displays CSV files in a readable format, but may corrupt the CSV file if you are not very careful. For example, Excel may reformat date fields and currency fields, and may convert special characters into invalid characters.

We recommend that you use Google Sheets to view and edit your CSV files.

See Configuring UTF-8 for Excel for instructions on how to configure UTF-8 encoding for Excel and other tools.

To import a UTF-8 CSV file into Excel:

  1. Select File>Import
  2. Select CSV as the file type
  3. Choose the file to import
  4. In the Text Import Wizard, select UTF-8 as the file origin.

Last updated: Dec 13, 2023