Create and Submit a Batch of IAPs
Use the IAP Batch Submission feature in the developer console to import and submit multiple in-app items at the same time.
See Submit Single In-App Items for information about creating single in-app items using the Developer Console.
Download the CSV template file
The system provides a CSV template file that contains several example entries. You can download the CSV file using a direct link, or download the file using the link in the Developer Console.
Direct Link to the CSV template file
You can download the CSV template file to your local machine.
Developer Console Link to the CSV template file
From the developer console:
- Navigate to your app on the Amazon Apps & Games Developer Portal:
- Log in to your developer account on the Amazon Apps & Games Developer Portal.
- Scroll down to the Dashboard view to see your apps.
- Click the link to your app to view the app detail page.
- Click the In-App Items tab to view the current In-App items for this app.
- Click the Import Multiple IAPs using CSV button. The Upload a CSV to Import IAPs dialog box opens.
- Download the template for CSV if you haven't created your own CSV file.
- Save the template file to a location on your hard drive.
- Edit the CSV template file. (Create a new row for each IAP item.)
Import a CSV file
Import the CSV file to upload and submit your new and updated IAP items:
From your app main page, click the In-App Items tab to view the list of current In-App items for this app.
Click the Import Multiple IAPs using CSV button. The Upload a CSV to Import IAPs dialog box opens.
- In the dialog box, click Browse and select the desired CSV file. The system automatically starts a validation check of the entries in the selected file.
- Wait until you get a CSV validated successfully indication.
When the validation check completes, the system updates the dialog box depending on the outcome of the validation. If the file contains errors, click the Download the CSV link to view the errors and make corrections. Run step 3 again.
When the file passes the validation check, optionally check the Overwrite existing in-app items option.
If you set this option, the row values for an item in the CSV file will overwrite the currently stored item (with the matching Product ID field). - Click the checkbox after you verify that the 'Product ID (SKU)' and 'IAP Type' in the CSV file are correct.
Warning: Carefully read the text below the checkbox:
- SKU must be unique per developer account (not per app).
- SKU cannot be changed or deleted after submission.
- IAP Type (Consumable & Entitlement) once added cannot be changed.
Click the Upload and Submit IAPs button to upload the file.
The page now displays a status panel above the list of IAP items. The status panel provides information to indicate the status of the upload. The status information includes:
- the number of IAP items created
- the number of IAP items updated
- the number of IAP items with import errors.
Note: After you import a set of IAPs, expect a delay before the total IAP count gets updated (up to several minutes for a very large import).
After you have entered all of your in-app items, you can click the Export Multiple IAPs button to download a CSV file containing all of the data for your items.
Export a CSV file
You can export a CSV file that contains all of your existing IAP items. You can also export a filtered list of items (all Consumables or all Entitlements).
- From your app main page, click the In-App Items tab to view the current In-App items for this app.
- In the Export Multiple IAPs dropdown list, select CSV as the file format. The system downloads the CSV file to your local machine.
Last updated: Nov 01, 2021