Earn Money with an Alexa Skill

You can earn money with an Alexa custom skill by using in-skill purchasing (ISP), paid skills, Alexa skill deals, and Alexa Shopping Kit. With these features you can offer digital content and real-world goods to your customers.

In-skill purchasing

Use ISP to sell digital skill content in your skill, such as hints in a trivia skill or additional lives in a game skill, and more. ISP supports products with the following payment models:

  • One-time purchase – Unlock access to premium-skill content that doesn't expire.
  • Consumable – Access to premium skill content that a customer can purchase, deplete when used, and then purchased again
  • Subscription – Offer access to premium skill content for a period of time, charged on a recurring basis until the customer cancels the subscription.

To get started with ISP, see Understand In-Skill Purchasing. To discount a product for a period of time, see Alexa Skill Deals.

If you want to charge customers an up-front payment to access your digital skill content, you can offer your skill as a paid skill with one of the following payment models:

  • One-time purchase – Unlock access to the skill itself or to premium-skill content that doesn't expire.
  • Subscription – Offer access to your skill or premium skill content for a period of time, charged on a recurring basis until the customer cancels the subscription.

To get started with paid skills, see Understand Paid Skills. To discount a paid skill for a period of time, see Alexa Skill Deals.

Alexa Shopping Kit

With Alexa Shopping Kit, you can create a shopping experience in your custom skill by recommending products from the Amazon retail website. Customers can buy the recommended product or add it to their Amazon Shopping Cart or Wish List without leaving the skill. Alexa handles the purchase details for you. And, with Amazon Associates for Alexa, you can earn commission on product purchases.

To get started with Alexa Shopping Kit and Amazon Associates, see Recommend Products with Alexa Shopping Kit.

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Last updated: Mar 26, 2024